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Error -1073807331 When Using a VISA Property in LabVIEW

Updated Jul 14, 2023

Reported In


  • LabVIEW Base
  • LabVIEW Full
  • LabVIEW Professional
  • VeriStand


  • NI-Serial
  • NI-488.2
  • Instrument Drivers

Issue Details

I get Error -1073807331 when using a VISA property in LabVIEW or VeriStand.



Error -1073807331 occurred at Property Node

Possible reason(s):

VISA:  (Hex 0xBFFF001D) The specified attribute is not defined or supported by the referenced resource.


There are four main reasons of why a VISA property will throw this error:


A) The Property is not supported by the serial bus being used.


Example A.1: The Is Port Connected VISA property is only supported with serial drivers developed by NI and documented to support this feature with the corresponding NI hardware. Please see the documentation for your driver version and Serial device to verify if this feature is supported. Built-in serial ports or serial ports made by other hardware manufacturers will not work with the Is Port Connected property. Additionally, this property is not supported by RS-485 hardware.


Example A.2: The 1394 Dest Upper VISA property will just work with FireWire serial bus, which will cause error -1073807331 when used with other buses (USB, GPIB, RS-232, etc.).


B) The Property can't be modified at that point in the program.


Example B.1: I am trying to communicate with my HP 34401A Multimeter using my serial port. When I try to run the Initialize VI, I get Error -1073807331 occurred at Property Node (arg 9) in HP34401A Initialize.vi. This error is related to changing the Line DTR or Line CTS states of the serial port. We cannot modify the state of a line used for flow control while the hardware is in use.

Arguments 8 and 9 of the property node in the Set Serial Settings portion of the Initialize.vi block diagram set the DTR and CTS states. With the flow control set to DTR/DSR in argument 3 of that Property Node, argument 9 throws the error. If the flow control was set to RTS/CTS, then argument 8 (dealing with the Line CTS setting) would be the one causing this same error.

To solve this, download the latest version of the HP34401A driver from the Instrument Driver Network.

C) The Instrument Network Device has issues with the communication to NI-MAX

Example C.1: I see that my Network Device appears duplicated on NI-MAX. It appears with an INSTR and a SOCKET identifier at the end of its name. 
In the case you are using a Network Instrument Device, you have to verify that it has full communication through NI-MAX. Reinstalling the third-party driver of the Network Device may help to solve any communication issues.

D) The Instrument Network Device has issues with the communication in VeriStand

When communicating with a PLC custom device, VeriStand can successfully send commands to the device (for example Beep) which are executed by the device, but while expecting a response from the device, in the response data channel VeriStand may return an empty message and returns error 0xBFFF001D.
To fix this issue, in your VeriStand project go to: System Explorer >> Controller >> Custom Devices >> Instrument Addon >> Message Group >> Message >> Response, and set the Wait Type to Byte Count and the Byte Count Value to 100.