Does My DAQ Device Support Self-Calibration?

Updated Dec 23, 2023

Reported In


  • LabVIEW
  • LabWindows/CVI


  • Traditional NI-DAQ
  • NI-DAQmx

Issue Details

I have a DAQ device and am unsure if I can self-calibrate it. How can I check if my device supports Self-Calibration?


You can quickly determine whether or not your device supports Self-Calibration by using Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX). This software is available on Windows machines after installing the full version of NI-DAQmx. It is also included with many of our other drivers. 

MAX can be found by going to Start >> Programs >> National Instruments. Once you have opened MAX, expand Devices and Interfaces, right-click on the device you want to check and you should find an option to Self-Calibrate your device. Select Self-Calibrate. Self-Calibration will complete if it is supported, otherwise it will throw error -200445. See the picture below for how it should look.

If you want to check for this functionality on a specific device, or do not have MAX installed, the information about Self-Calibration can also be found in the product manual for each device.

Programmatic Solution
If you are looking to check this within your development environment, this is possible through the device properties. Links explaining how to do so in LabVIEW and ANSI C are included below.