Can I Create a Custom Icon for My LabVIEW Application?

Updated May 20, 2024

Reported In


  • LabVIEW Base
  • LabVIEW Full
  • LabVIEW Professional

Issue Details

I am about to build and distribute a custom application with LabVIEW, and I want to create a custom application icon. Can I do this from within LabVIEW?


You can create custom icons or use icons from a file for your application from the Application properties under the Icon -page. For more detailed instructions, see the additional information section of this article.

Note: Versions of LabVIEW earlier than 8.0 do not have an icon editor distributed with them. It is not possible to use LabVIEW to create custom icons for applications. In order to create custom icons for your application, users can employ drawing programs and then, they can obtain a free image to icon converter such as GenIconXP.

Additional Information

This functionality can be accessed by opening your project within Project Explorer.
  • Begin building the application by right clicking on Build Specifications and selecting New » Application (EXE).
  • The My Application Properties dialog box should be displayed on the screen. Under the Category list, select Icon.
  • Click on the Icon Editor... button to open the Icon Editor dialog box.
  • After creating the icon for your application, select File»Save As... and save the icon in the physical location with the existing project. You can also add the icon file in your project.
  • Uncheck the Use default LabVIEW icon file check box. Select Add ... from the Select Project File dialog box and select the .ico icon file that was just created using the Icon Editor. If you have added the icon file to your application project, it will appear under My Computer.
  • When done setting the other Application Build properties, click Build. The application will be built with the custom icon.