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Receiving a *.cab File Error When Installing NI Software

Updated Apr 19, 2024

Reported In


  • LabVIEW
  • Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX)

Issue Details

When I am installing NI Software to my computer from a CD or DVD, I receive an error such as the one below, stating that the *.cab file is corrupt or cannot be found. 

Error 1335, the cabinet file '' required for this installation is corrupt and cannot be used. This could indicate a network error, an error reading the CD-ROM, or a problem with this package


Sometimes the MSI installer has trouble copying the files from CD/DVD-ROM drives or flash drives. Here are a few solutions which have been successful with this issue in the past.
  • Transfer all the files from the CD/DVD-ROM to the development PC. Locally run the setup.exe file. Implement this method if the CD/DVD-ROM is or has a known issue.
  • If you were shipped both a CD(s) and a DVD(s) with the installation files, and your computer is capable of reading from both, attempt the installation with the alternate media type. This may indicate that your media reader has an issue with CD or DVD processing.
  • Try installing to another computer. This can help indentify if the CD/DVD-ROM is the issue. If the second computer can read and install the software properly, please address the media reader or implement method #1 or #4.
  • Try downloading a copy of the software from the NI Downloads Page. Sometimes the NI Software that you are trying to install may be corrupted or the CD or DVD maybe have a defect. Consider downloading the particular software from the web to work around this situation.
The current version of LabVIEW can be downloaded from the internet as a 30-day trial, however, you can activate it with the serial number you received with your LabVIEW installation CDs or DVDs. 

Additional Information

For a previous version of LabVIEW, you can reference How can I Download and Install National Instruments Software .

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