Archived:CompactRIO 15.0.1 Firmware Patch: Firmware Update for cRIO, sbRIO, and Ethernet RIO Controllers

Updated May 15, 2024

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Reported In


  • cRIO-9063
  • cRIO-9064
  • cRIO-9065
  • cRIO-9066
  • cRIO-9067
  • cRIO-9068
  • NI-9147
  • NI-9149
  • sbRIO-9651


  • NI CompactRIO

Issue Details

What happens if I uploaded another firmware to my cRIO-9068? I see there is firmware for the cRIO-9067.


In NI CompactRIO 14.5 (included with the NI-RIO Device Drivers February 2015) and NI CompactRIO Device Drivers August 2015, an issue occurs when updating the safe mode firmware of NI Linux Real-Time targets. 

Using a firmware image labeled for a device other than the device you are using can put your device into an unusable state, in which the Ethernet or serial communication appears to be functional but the device does not respond to input. This issue only affects Zynq FPGA-based CompactRIO, Single-Board RIO, and Ethernet RIO devices. If you have a device in this state, use the table below to select a potential recovery option for your device.
Recovery OptioncRIO-9063
cRIO-9068NI 9147
NI 9149
NI sbRIO-9651
Use the USB Device port to update the firmwareX XX
Use the primary Ethernet port to update the firmware X  
Contact to inquire about recovery filesXX X

An update is available that prevents you from accidentally putting a controller in this state. The update removes any affected firmware files from the host system and installs corrected versions of those files.

Recovery files are only sent out on a case to case basis, if attempting to use this troubleshooting route, you will need to talk to someone from support who will validate if the file is necessary to recovery your system.

If you require the old files for system validation, you can find the files attached to this document. NI strongly recommends that you use the newest firmware because it is compatible with the most recent versions of software for each affected version of LabVIEW.

Additional Information

Since this issue only affects Zynq FPGA-based CompactRIO, Single-Board RIO, and Ethernet RIO devices listed above, if you are not using one of these you will not need to worry about installing the patch. 

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