ActiveX Automation Server Error 18351 on Deployed TestStand Target

Updated Aug 22, 2024

Reported In


  • TestStand

Issue Details

After I deploy a working sequence to a target computer I am getting the following error message:

Error loading type library/DLL.
Error Code:  -18351; An error occurred reading an ActiveX Automation server type library Step 'Read Database Option - Construct' of sequence 'Get Database Options' in 'SequentialModel.Seq'



The error occurs when TestStand is having trouble accessing the Database activeX server. Here's a couple things to try: 

Navigate to Start » National Instruments » TestStand x.x » TestStand Version Selector. Select the version of TestStand you are trying to use (even if it is the only option) and click Make Active. This will re-register all the necessary activeX components. 

The activeX server for database is stored in the follow location:

C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\TestStand 20xx\Components\Models\TestStandModels\Database\DBOptions\TsDBOptions.dll

If the version selector does not fix the issue, you can try following the steps to manually register the server

Additional Information

This error may also occur if you are not using a TestStand version suitable with the Operating System of your machine: ensure that you are using an Operating System reported in your TestStand version readme.