Items Are Missing in the Configuration Pane of Measurement & Automation Explorer

Updated Apr 18, 2023

Reported In


  • Measurement and Automation Explorer (MAX)

Issue Details

The Configuration pane within Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX) is not displaying all of the items that are typically there such as the Data Neighborhood, Scales, and Historical Data sections. I normally see the items shown here: 
Why would these items be missing, and how do I get them back?


This issue can be resolved by following these steps:

1. Upgrade a driver to a most recent version by downloading it from the Driver Download Page or reinstall the driver.
2. Reset the NI MAX Database.
3. This third option should be used as a last resort, as use of mismatched versions of UI providers to drivers may cause problems. Identify which file may be missing and copy it from a working station. There are several reasons why certain items would fail to appear in this pane. Following are a few of the most common scenarios:
  • I am missing the Data Neighborhood and Scales items:
    • This can be caused if the following file is missing from the system. This file pertains to the DAQmx UI provider needed for MAX to know what DAQmx Tasks and virtual channels are present on the system.
      <MAX>\UI Providers\nidmfuiu.mxx
    • If your machine still shows Data Neighborhood but does not contain all expected items under it, you may also want to check for the following files. These files are the CAN and FieldPoint UI providers that pertain to the CAN channels and FieldPoint Items objects under Data Neighborhood.
      <MAX>\UI Providers\CanUI.mxx
      <MAX>\UI Providers\niFPui.mxx
  • I am missing all of the items in the Configuration Pane.​​​​​​:
    • This can be caused due to the the following file being missing from the system:
      <MAX>\UI Providers\mxcat.mxx
  • I am missing the IVI Drivers item:
    • This can be caused due to the following file being missing from the system. This is the UI provider for IVI software on your machine. 
      <MAX>\UI Providers\niIVIui.mxx
  • I am missing the Remote Systems item from the Configuration Pane.
    • This can be caused due to the following file missing from the system. This is the Remote Systems UI provider that MAX needs to have in order to recognize and configure remote systems.
      <MAX>\UI Providers\niRMui.mxx​​​​​​​