The NI Linux Real-Time OS may already have a driver for your particular device that prevents NI-VISA from claiming the device. Complete the following steps to disassociate a driver from a particular device:
- Connect to the target using Secure Shell (SSH Protocol). This can be accessed from Windows using any terminal command such as PuTTY.
- Login as an administrator.
- With the device unplugged, run lsmod
- Plug the device back in
- Run lsmod again
- If Linux recognizes the device with its own driver, a new module will show up under the second iteration of lsmod
- Enter the command rmmod <driver name> . For a CDC ACM class device, this command would be rmmod cdc-acm.
If the USB device does not load a new module with
lsmod, there is no driver and NI-VISA should be able to connect and recognize your USB device.