LabVIEW XY-Graph with Segmented Linear and Logarithmic Axes

Updated Nov 14, 2023

Reported In


  • LabVIEW Base
  • LabVIEW Full
  • LabVIEW Professional

Operating System

  • Windows

Programming Language

  • LabVIEW G

Issue Details

Is it possible to split the x-axis of a XY-Graph into a linear and a logarithmic part?


There is no possibility to scale parts of axes in a different way.

However you can copy your data and display both plots in your graph. Then you can format one x-axis linearly and the other logarithmically.

Additional Information

Displaying Multiple Plots on XY Graphs

The XY graph accepts three data types for displaying multiple plots. The XY graph accepts an array of plots, where a plot is a cluster that contains an x array and a y array.

The XY graph also accepts an array of clusters of plots, where a plot is an array of points. A point is a cluster that contains an value and a y value. The XY graph also accepts an array of clusters of plots, where a plot is an array of complex data, in which the real part is plotted on the x-axis and the imaginary part is plotted on the y-axis.