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MAX Time out Error with Info Code MAXVISATimeoutError

Updated Aug 1, 2023

Reported In


  • Measurement and Automation Explorer (MAX)



Issue Details

When I launch Measurement and Automation Explorer (MAX) or interact with options within MAX, I receive the following error. 

MAX Timeout Error: MAX timed out while waiting on a driver. Visit and enter the info code MAXVISATimeoutError if the problem persists. 


The MAX VISA Timeout error is a general error that is thrown when MAX makes a VISA call, but does not get a response from the driver. Follow the steps below to resolve the error.
  • Reset the MAX Configuration Database to remove saved devices.
  1. Back up the configuration file if you have custom channels, tasks, or other settings you would like to save. 
  2. Reset the database file.
  • Make sure you have the latest compatible version of software installed.  
  1. Determine the drivers you require based on the communication protocol used to communicate with the device. 
  • NI-VISA. This should be installed. 
  • NI-488.2 (for instruments using GPIB communication)
  • NI-Serial (for instruments using RS-232, RS-485, or RS-422 communication)
  1. Identify compatible driver versions by cross-referencing hardware model and computer operating system compatibility. 
  1. Use MAX to identify the version of the driver currently installed
  1. Install the driver version if it is not the latest compatible one. 
  1. If you are using Keysight or other third party hardware, you may need to install additional drivers or passports.
  • Make sure your hardware is connected and configured correctly.
  1. Make sure cables are securely inserted and plugged into the right location at each connection point. Check for pin damage.
  2. Consult your device's user manual to make sure it is properly configured. 
Every device is configured differently. Examples of settings you want to check are connection method, baud rate, packet size, stop bits, and parity bits. Contact your device manufacturer if you have questions about your device’s configuration. 
  1. Make sure your instrument is properly configured in MAX by following the getting started instructions for your instrument.
  • Reboot your system. 
  1. Disconnect your device from the computer.
  2. Reboot the computer. 
  3. Reconnect the device. 
  4. Relaunch MAX.
  •   Ensure that Windows can correctly communicate with all serial ports connected to the computer.
If the problem persists after confirming your system is set up correctly for communication, 

Additional Information

NI-VISA uses the Windows database to reference the COM ports. If there is an issue with the Windows database, this error may occur.