You get this message if you select
.NET Framework x.x Languages Support»Measurement Studio Integration for Visual Studio feature and you do not have Measurement Studio installed. To resolve this error message, you can remove
Integration for Visual Studio from the feature installation list.
For example, if you are installing NI-DAQmx from the Device Drivers DVD, you will need to select
Do not install this feature for
Data Acquisition»NI-DAQmx x.x»Application Development Support».NET Framework x.x Languages Support»Measurement Studio Integration for Visual Studio. 
If you do need the Measurement Studio Integration for Visual Studio features, you must first install Visual Studio and Measurement Studio. In the Measurement Studio installer, be sure to select
Visual Studio Integration under the features to be installed.
After installing Measurement Studio, you can then install the
.NET Framework x.x Languages Support»Measurement Studio Integration for Visual Studio feature from the driver installer. You must select the version of the .NET Framework
x.x Languages Support that corresponds to the version of Visual Studio that you have installed, or you will still get the previously mentioned error.
When you select the feature to install from the driver installer, the message on right-hand panel will tell you the versions of Visual Studio to which it corresponds. For example, as shown in the image above, the
.NET Framework 4.5 Languages Support»Measurement Studio Integration for Visual Studio feature will integrate into Visual Studio 2012 and therefore requires as a prerequisite the installation of Measurement Studio Integration for Visual Studio 2012.