NI Vision Development Module Run-Time 2019 Download

Updated Apr 5, 2023



  • Vision Development Module Runtime

I am looking online for the Vision Development Module (VDM) Run-Time 2019 download but I can not find the download link. How can I install VDM 2019 Run-Time?

The VDM Run-Time versions 2019 SP1 and later are for download from NI's website or through NI Package Manager. There is not a standalone installer available for 2019. Newer versions of the Vision Development Module (VDM) Run-Time are backwards compatible with application built using VDM 2019. Install the VDM Run-Time 2019 SP1 or later instead.

If you specifically need the 2019 version, you can install it to your computer through one of the following methods:
  • Using NI Package Manager:
  1. Open NI Package Manager from the Start menu and search for Vision Development Module in the search bar.
  2. Once you select Vision Development Module, you will see the following window. Make sure the 2019 version is selected and click  Install.

  1. Deselect all the boxes in the next screen by selecting the Deselect All field at the bottom of the page. Then select Next.

  1. Follow the following installation steps to complete the installation. Completing the install by following steps above installs VDM 2019 Run-Time.
  • Use LabVIEW Application Builder to create your own installer.
On a development computer with LabVIEW, the Application Builder, and Vision Development Module installed, you can create a custom installer  that includes the VDM Run-Time as an additional installer as shown below. Running this custom installer on a target computer will install VDM Run-Time.
  • Through the NI Package Builder
NI Package Builder  allows you to build custom packages that will install software through NI Package Manager. You can add the VDM Run-Time installer to your custom package and then distribute that package to target computers.

Additional Information

While these instructions will install the Vision Development Module Run-Time on a target computer, you must still activate the Run-Time license after installation. A valid VDM Run-Time license must be purchased for every target computer running code developed with the Vision Development Module. Once a license for the VDM Run-Time is purchased, upgrades to newer versions of the Run-Time are free.