Accessing LIN Protocol Checksum Values in NI-XNET

Updated Jul 10, 2023

Reported In



Operating System

  • Windows

Issue Details

I would like to read the LIN checksum value per LIN frame in LabVIEW. How is this possible?


Starting from NI-XNET 17.5, you can read the LIN checksum value in LabVIEW. However, it is limited to XNET Frame Stream Input sessions only. 

To read the LIN checksum value, you must first set the XNET Session Interface:LIN:Checksum to Input Stream  property to TRUE.

Then, the checksum value should be shown in the Event ID in the LIN Frame.

Additional Information

  • When the NI-XNET receives a LIN frame, it calculates the classic and enhanced checksum.  If the received checksum is equal to either, the frame is considered valid and written as a LIN Data (and with LIN Checksum to Input Stream enabled, the received checksum is written to the Event ID field).  If the received checksum is not equal to either, it writes a LIN bus error frame to stream input.
  • If the XNET Session Interface:LIN:Checksum to Input Stream is disabled, the LIN frame will show the Event ID for the event-triggered slot.