VI_ERROR_RSRC_NFOUND Unable to Create a VISA TCP/IP Resource for 3rd Party Instrument

Updated Apr 5, 2023

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Issue Details

I am using a a 3rd party instrument (for example a oscilliscope) and trying to create a VISA TCP/IP Resource. When I validate the resource, I get the following error: 

Unable to open session to "TCPIP0::123::123::123.123.123::inst0::INSTR" 
Return status code: 0xBFFF0011 
Insufficient location information or the device or resource is not present in the system.

I have checked the connection of the instrument and verified that it is connected correctly. Why am I unable to create a VISA TCP/IP Resource?


This issue occurs when the VXI-11 server for the 3rd party instrument is stopped. To start the VXI-11 server on the device, you will need to use the manufactures software to configure or restart it.

Once you start the VXI-11 server, you should be able to create a TCP/IP Resource and connect to the scope without any problems.

For more information about how to start the VXI-11 server, reference the Related Links section or contact the manufacturer of the instrument.