Unable to Open Log File Error When Opening Trace in MPManager 3

Updated Aug 6, 2019

Reported In


  • Micropross Accessories


SW : MPManager 3

Issue Details

When I try to open my trace (.mplog file) in MPManager 3, it cannot be opened and I got the following error message: Unable to open log file. Access is denied. 



1) Navigate to the directory mentioned in the error message. In this case the directory is:


Please note that the ProgramData folder might be a hidden folder, and you might have to allow display of hidden items in Windows.

To do this, in the File Explorer window, click on the "View" tab, and tick the "Hidden items" check box.

2) Delete the folder indicated in the error message (in this example, we will delete the folder named


3) Retry to open your trace in MPManager 3.

Additional Information

MPManager saves some logs when executed. In some occasions the software cannot have access to the file where it normally saves those logs. 

By deleting the previous generated logs file for the used version, MPManager will automatically create a new log file which will be usable by the software.