My USB-8486 is Not Recognized After Windows Update

Updated Oct 23, 2023

Reported In


  • USB-8486


  • NI-FBUS Communication Software
  • NI-FBUS Configurator Software

Operating System

  • Windows

Issue Details

I was using the USB-8486 on my PC without any problems until Windows 10 installed an update. When I plug in the USB-8486, Windows is showing it as FOUNDATION Fieldbus USB Firmware Loader or does not detect it.
As a result, the NI-FBUS Communications Manager cannot be started.


Since the PC isn't able to communicate with the USB-8486 properly anymore, the Windows update has affected the NI-FBUS driver.
To resolve this, reinstall the NI-FBUS Configurator Software driver.

If a normal reinstall doesn't work, either force reinstall the driver or upgrade the driver to a newer version.