Error 0x80070005 in NI-MAX When Accessing Webcam

Updated Jul 15, 2020

Reported In


  • Camera


  • Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX)



Operating System

  • Windows

Issue Details

I recently switched to Windows 10 and I am trying to test my web camera with NI-MAX. When accessing the camera I get the Error 0x80070005.


This error indicates that Windows prevents the access of the webcam due to security settings. Try the following steps to resolve the problem:
  • Run NI-MAX as administrator.
  • Check the Windows 10 app permissions and verify that apps are allowed to use the webcam.
  • Check with your IT department whether security settings that prevent the access of webcams exist.

Additional Information

If you are still encounter the issue, kindly check the installation of your third party camera driver. Recommend to reinstall the driver and restart the PC.