When to Use Enhanced DSC Run-Time Support in an Executable or Installer

Updated Nov 17, 2023

Reported In


  • LabVIEW Datalogging and Supervisory Control Module

Issue Details

I am building an executable or installer that uses the DSC Run-Time system, and noticed an option in Application Builder to Enable Enhanced DSC Run-Time support or an installer called NI Enhanced DSC Deployment Support. What do these options mean, and when should I use them?


There are only two circumstances in which you would need to enable this setting, detailed below. Otherwise, it is recommended to leave it disabled, as it will increase the file size and start time of the application.

Circumstances Requiring Enhanced DSC Run-Time Support
  • Your application uses the Save to Library VIs that are a part of the Libraries & Processes VIs palette of the DSC module
  • Your application uses VI server in order to modify the contents of shared library or shared variables inside of that project library. See Figure 1 below for an example of using VI server to modify a project library.

Figure 1: An example of using VI server to modify a project library

If you fail to select this option in your build specifications, you will receive Error 1055 in your application, and an error in your installer saying: Unable to Locate the LabVIEW Full Featured Run-Time Engine. See Unable to Locate the Labview Run-Time Engine When Deploying a DSC Application.

Additional Information

Note: Prior to version 2016 of the DSC module, a known issue prevented some applications built with Enhanced DSC Run-Time support from running, even if the code worked in the development environment. Therefore, for versions of the DSC module prior to 2016, it is not recommended to enable this setting.

The purpose of this setting is to allow you to manage project libraries and shared variables in applications built using the DSC Module. This setting does not affect whether or not the DSC Run-Time system is included with an installer. See What is the DSC Run-Time System and When Should I Use It? for more information on the DSC Run-Time system.