Shutdown Sequence for an NI Chassis Remotely Controlled Using a Thunderbolt Connection

Updated Oct 30, 2024

Reported In


  • PXIe-8301
  • PXIe-1083

Issue Details

What are the steps for shutting down a PXIe chassis that is being controlled by a Thunderbolt connection?  Should I shutdown the PC or the chassis first?


To shutdown the chassis: power off the host PC and then power off the chassis. 

Additional Information

Because operating systems and drivers commonly make the assumption that PCI(e) devices will be present in the system from power-up to power-down, it is important to not power off the expansion chassis until after the host PC is powered off. Powering off the expansion chassis or hot unplugging while the host is still on can cause crashes or hangs. 

Hot unplugging the Thunderbolt cable is not expected to damage the chassis/controller.