Unable to Initialize Connection to Remote Target(s) After Upgrading PXI Linux Real-Time Controller

Updated Dec 23, 2023

Reported In

Operating System

  • NI Linux Real-Time

Issue Details

I have a PXI Linux Real-Time Controller (PXIe-8840 Quad Core) which I have installed LabVIEW 2018 SP1 and related software on. After connecting to a machine with newer software, I tried to upgrade the controller to LabVIEW 2019. When doing so, the software installation fails and I can no longer connect to the target. When I attempt to connect, I receive the error:
Unable to initialize connection to remote target(s)
How can I connect to my controller again?


Installing 2018 SP1 software to a PXI Linux Real-Time Controller is not an officially supported configuration. As such, the upgrade process will not upgrade software on the controller properly. 

To get back into a known good state, it is recommended that the controller be reprovisioned with the latest Real-Time OS Image from USB. 

Additional Information

This problem only effects PXI controllers running Linux Real-Time. Note that this state will cause problems with drivers such as DAQmx as well, and could cause other unexpected behavior.