NI-VISA Passports are Missing in NI MAX

Updated Jun 3, 2021

Reported In


  • LabVIEW
  • Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX)



Issue Details

  • I'm attempting to activate/deactivate a VISA Passport in NI MAX, but it doesn't show up anymore.
  • The NIVisaTulip.dll passport is missing in my List of Passports in NI MAX. 


If either of the passports are missing, it's likely it was removed or installed incorrectly at some point. One solution to this is force reinstalling the NI-VISA driver following the steps explained in Force Reinstall Non-Working or Corrupt NI Software. This will install any missing passports as well as correct for any potential corruption that the driver package might have. 

Additional Information

If a VISA passport was installed correctly, its associated DLL will show up both under NI MAX >> Tools >> NI VISA >> VISA Options >> Passports and under the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\IVI Foundation\VISA\WinNT\Bin.