Creating an Application for my VBAI Inspection

Updated Apr 17, 2023

Reported In


  • Vision Builder for Automated Inspection
  • LabVIEW Runtime

Issue Details

I have a Vision Builder for Automated Inspection (VBAI) inspection that I would like to deploy to my test systems. How can I turn that inspection into an executable for deployment?


You can run the VBAI inspection from LabVIEW, using the VBAI LabVIEW Interface API. This is installed when you select the LabVIEW API Support checkbox in the VBAI installer. (Note: If you do not have the LabVIEW API Support installed, you will receive the error Unable to locate LabVIEW Runtime when you try to open a VBAI API Interface application.)

Once you have the API installed, you can create a LabVIEW program that calls your VBAI inspection, and then use LabVIEW's Application Builder to generate an executable. When run, this executable will start your VBAI inspection.

Examples for how to use this API can be found under your National Instruments folder on your system at the following file path: National Instruments\Vision Builder AI <version>\Examples\API Examples\LabVIEW Examples.

Additional Information

Your deployment computer will need a copy of the LabVIEW and Vision Builder for Automated Inspection Run-time Engines to run your LabVIEW and VBAI code. The LabVIEW Run-time Engine is included when you generate an installer for your code. More information about the Run-time license for VBAI can be found in Licensing National Instruments Vision Software.