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Adding DLL in the Build Specification of the LabVIEW Executable

Updated Oct 15, 2024



  • LabVIEW Application Builder Module
  • LabVIEW

This article is a step-by-step guide on how to add a DLL to the build specification of the LabVIEW executable.

  1. Make sure the DLL is added to the project. For that, right-click My Computer in the Project Explorer Window and click Add >> File...

    Step 1.png
  2. Create an Application (EXE) Build Specification. In order to do that that, right-click Build Specifications on the Project Explorer Window and click New >> Application(EXE).

    Step 2 off.png
  3. Navigate to the "Source Files" tab and add the necessary DLL to the Always Included.

  4. Once the configuration of the other parameters is done, build the executable.