When you right-click on Devices and Interfaces and do not see the Create New button drop-down, then your version of NI-DAQmx may be corrupted.
Make sure that the minimum required NI services are running. Please refer to the following article to know what services are needed: Minimum Windows Services Set Needed to Run NI MAX. If the NI Services are not set to start automatically, change them to Automatic (Delayed Start) in the Windows Services.
Upgrade the NI-DAQmx version to the next available version that maintains system compatibility. Make sure the "NI-DAQmx Runtime with Configuration Support" option is checked during the NI-DAQmx installation, as shown below:

- If upgrading is not an option, it is possible to repair the current version.
Additional Troubleshooting StepsSome devices such as switches may require additional drivers to simulate that device. Make sure the correct driver is installed for the intended simulated device. Expand the Software section in the leftmost pane in NI MAX and look for the driver to see which drivers are currently installed. Make sure these drivers are installed:
- NI-DAQmx ADE Support;
- NI-DAQmx MAX Configuration;
- NI-DAQmx Device Driver.
If the correct driver version is installed and it is still not possible to simulate a device,
repair the driver.
It's also possible that the specific card cannot be simulated in NI MAX. If other cards can be simulated using the same driver, likely, that it wasn't included in the driver. Try to simulate and use another card with similar functionality to the intent card or
developing an IVI driver to simulate devices in LabVIEW or LabWindows/CVI.