Additional Information
Error -17502 is an operating system exception being passed back to TestStand, which then reports it to the user. The operation the user performed is throwing error -17502, which can have different causes. Some common causes are:
- Writing to memory which you do not have access to in your code
- Exceeding array bounds in your code
- Dividing by Zero in your code
- Passing the wrong input parameters to DLL function call
-This KnowledgeBase entry shows you how to find out which DLL is throwing the exception. If you know the DLL that is causing the problem, then you should step into the DLL code and find out why and where the exception is being thrown.
-This technique will only work if the code modules are running in-process. It will not work if you are using LabVIEW code modules or CVI code modules that are configured to run in an external process. The Visual C++ debugger can only track within one process at a time.