Error 1101 When Using DataSocket with LabVIEW

Updated Dec 19, 2022

Reported In


  • LabVIEW

Issue Details

I am using a DataSocket server on a remote machine. When I try to write to the server, I get Error 1101. I have the correct IP Address, I have turned off my firewall, and given privileges to every host in the DataSocket Manager.


First, make sure that you have the correct IP address specified, and that you can access this location on your network. You also need to have the privileges set appropriately in the DataSocket Server Manager. To update the DataSocket settings, you must close out of the server completely and then start it again when the settings are correct. The settings will not be propagated if you do not shutdown the server and restart it.

To change the DataSocket Server Manager privileges, perform the following steps:
  1. Shutdown DataSocket Server by going to Start » Programs » National Instruments » DataSocket » DataSocket Server. From the Server menu, select Shutdown DataSocket Server
    Note: Closing or minimizing the DataSocket Server only hides it.
  2. To reset the permissions, go to Start » Programs » National Instruments » DataSocket » DataSocket Server Manager.
  3. Click on DefaultWriters.
  4. Click Add Host.
  5. Type in the <IP Address> (or name) of the computer that is writing to this DataSocket Server in the lower right-hand corner of the window. 
    Note: Alternatively, you can click the > button and choose everyhost to give permission to everyone.
  6. Repeat steps 4 though 6 for the Creators group.
  7. Save the current permissions by going to the Settings menu, and selecting Save Settings Now.
  8. Close the DataSocket Server Manager.
  9. Re-start the Data Socket Server by going to Start » Programs » National Instruments » DataSocket » DataSocket Server.
If this error occurs while accessing an NI OPC Server, it can sometimes relate to the DCOM permissions of the server. In cases like this, follow the steps outlined by the OPC Foundation to correctly configure permissions for the NI OPC Server DCOM item. In rare cases, the NI OPC Server can be configured as a system service, which can cause further permissions issues. If this is the case, view Cannot Connect to NI OPC Server after Running It as a Service.