Issue Details
I try to generate 0-3.3V square wave via PXIe-5413 Waveform Generator, using NI-FGEN. in order to get this signal, I set a square signal with input amplitude of 1.66V and DC offset of 1.66V, but when I run it I get the following error:
Error -1074135024 occurred at ... vi
Possible reason(s):
IVI: (Hex 0xBFFA0010) Invalid value for parameter or property.
Property: DC Offset
Channel Name: 0
Invalid Value: 1.650000
Minimum Value: -825.0e-3
Maximum Value: 825.0e-3According to
PXIe-5413 Specifications, the Amplitude Range it's up to 24Vpk-pk and the Offset Range is up to +/- 50% of Amplitude Range. The 1.66V DC offset that I set is not half of Amplitude Range as stated in the specifications.
How can I set that the signal amplitude will be relative to the 0V instead of Vpk-pk configuration?