Why Is There a Shadow around an Object in My LabVIEW Code?

Updated Aug 22, 2023

Reported In


  • LabVIEW

Issue Details

One of the elements on my Block Diagram is shown with a dark shadow. What does this mean?


A shadow indicates that the object is floating above another object or structure. In the example shown above, the two objects with shadows are not inside the While Loop, but floating above it.

Note: Wires hidden behind an object are never shown.

Click and drag a floating object to move it around. Drop it with a structure beneath it in case you want to add it to the structure's content, or drop it onto an empty portion of your block diagram, outside of the structure's body, to move it there.

Additional Information

Taking the screenshot from above as example: Clicking, dragging, and dropping the two elements from above the While Loop to adjacent to it reveals that they were not connected to the visible wires, but hidden ones:

Cleaning up the Block Diagram furthermore shows that the elements were not executing at the desired position in code. In this example, the code would need to be fixed to provide the desired functionality.