The option
System Configuration Web Access will allow you to enter into the Measurement & Automation Explorer (NI-MAX) configuration of a specific computer from a different computer using only the IP and port information.
You'll find this option by entering on
NI-MAX > My System > System Settings > System Configuration Web Access. There, you should be able to select between two options:
- Local Only: when this setting is selected in computer A, you won't be able to enter MAX's confguration from computer B.
- Local and Remote: when this setting is selected in computer A, you will be able to enter MAX's configuration from computer B.
Note: after changing this option, remember to click the Save button on the upper left corner.
To enter into other computer's MAX configuration panel, you should follow the next steps:
1. Go to My System, and Right-click on it.
2. Select Web Configuration. A browser tab should open.
3. In the URL change the "localhost:3582" part for the IP and Port of the computer you want to access.
Example: the URL http://localhost:3582/#Home would be changed to http://xx.xx.xx.xx:1234/#Home