Error -1074396074 Occurred Using IMAQ Fast SSIM

Updated Jul 19, 2018

Reported In


  • Vision Development Module


  • NI-IMAQdx

Issue Details

When I try to use the NI IMAQ SSIM functions or the PSNR functions, I get an error like the following: 

Error -1074396074 occurred at IMAQ Fast SSIM

Possible Reason(s):
IMAQ Vision: Incompatible image size 

I've tried changing my image size in LabVIEW, but I still receive this error. How do I resolve this error?


This error will occur if there is a mismatch in the resolution of the image you are acquiring and resolution of the image in your reference stream. To resolve this, you can do one of the following: 
  • Change the resolution of the incoming image stream by changing the Acquisition Attributes for Height and Width on your camera
    • This can be done in NI Measurement and Automation Explorer or as a property of your IMAQ session
  • Change your reference stream resolution by acquiring a new reference file or choosing a different one with a matching resolution to your camera

Additional Information

Both PSNR and SSIM are referenced measurements, which means they perform a calculation that compares each frame of the video being acquired with a frame in the Media ref stream specified on the Refs and disk tab.

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