Stop NI-VISA from Automatically Scanning for LAN Instruments

Updated Dec 16, 2022



  • GPIB-ENET/100
  • GPIB-ENET/1000



When I connect a computer with NI-VISA installed to a LAN Network, the computer will automatically start scanning for LAN instruments. I have looked unsuccessfully on NI-MAX for a configuration that could disable this auto scanning feature. How can I turn it off?

A simple way to turn off this automatic scan for LAN instruments is to disable the NI LXI Discovery Service from Windows services (Only for windows 10 and 7 users). To perform this task, follow this guide:
  1. Go to your windows desktop and press the Windows start button.
  2. Type servicesit will automatically search for that windows administrative tool and click on the services icon when it shows up.
  3. Once you have this tool open, scroll down until you find the NI services, then look for the NI LXI Discovery Service. You can review this in the image below.

  1. Right click over the service and select properties.
  2. On properties select the general tab and go to startup type.
  3. Click on the drop down menu and select disable.
  4. Click ok.

After this NI-VISA is not going to start automatically scanning for LAN instruments. In this case you could manually connect to any LAN device.

Additional Information

To set up a manual LAN connection to any device with NI-VISA, follow this tutorial: Ethernet Instrument Control Tutorial.