Error -2147467259 When Trying to Deploy Shared Variables to a VxWorks Target

Updated Dec 22, 2023

Reported In


  • CompactRIO Controller


  • NI CompactRIO

Operating System

  • VxWorks

Issue Details

  • When I try to deploy a shared variable library to a VxWorks target, the deployment fails and throws Error -2147467259: Unspecified error. What is the source of this error?
  • When I try to deploy a shared variables library to a VxWorks target, the deployment fails and throws a Variables deployment failed (error: -2147467259). Why is this error occurring?


This error occurs if you try to deploy shared variables to a VxWorks target that has insufficient onboard memory to host the shared variable library. The recommended workaround is to uninstall any unneeded software components on the target. Once there is enough available memory to host the shared variable library, the deployment should proceed without this error.

Additional Information

You can check memory usage on your VxWorks target by following the steps below:
  1. Open MAX. You can do this by selecting Start»Programs»National Instruments»Measurement & Automation.
  2. Expand Remote Systems in the Configuration window.
  3. Select your real-time controller.
  4. In the main window, select the System Settings tab. This tab includes the total and available memory, as well as the total disk space and the amount of free space on the disk.