FTP Connection to the USB Drive on cRIO-9082

Updated Dec 21, 2022

Reported In


  • cRIO-9082


  • NI-RIO

Issue Details

When powering on my CompactRIO, I can enter into BIOS and see that my USB storage device has been recognized. However, I cannot FTP to the drive after booting into the OS. Why I can not connect to the USB device?


Even though your USB storage device may be visible in your CompactRIO's BIOS you won’t be able to use it if you don't have USB support software installed. The 9082 BIOS has Legacy USB Support which enables it to see the drive but not to mount the drive during normal boot.

You can check whether or not you have the required USB support software installed on your RIO in Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX) by expanding the Software tab under Remote Systems for the remote target.

Figure 1
If the USB Support software is not listed (see Figure 1), right-click on the Software tab and select Add/Remove Software to install support.

The easiest way to confirm connection is to FTP the drive on the CompactRIO. See the related links for instruction on how to FTP to a USB drive on a Real-Time controller.

Additional Information

In the CompactRIO's BIOS you can see what USB devices have been recognized and are connected by following these steps:
  1. With a monitor, keyboard and USB storage device connected power on the 9082 CompactRIO with the DISABLE RT DIL switch set to on (left).
  2. When prompted from the monitor press Delete to enter the BIOS menu.
  3. In the BIOS Advanced tab select USB Configuration and press Enter.
  4. Now under USB device: you will be able to see all recognized connected devices.