Can I Use my Sensor with the LabVIEW Driver for Ethernet/IP?

Updated Dec 20, 2023

Reported In


  • LabVIEW


  • NI-Industrial Communications for Ethernet/IP


ThermoScientific AquaSensors

Issue Details

I am using a ThermoScientific AquaSensors sensor. The device communicates over Ethernet/IP. Can I use this with the LabVIEW driver for Ethernet/IP?


To ensure that the LabVIEW driver for Ethernet/IP can communicate with your device, make sure the device can act as a scanner (master).

Additional Information

In Ethernet/IP, the LabVIEW Ethernet/IP driver can act as the I/O adapter (slave), Explicit Message Client, or Explicit Message Server.
LabVIEW cannot act as the Ethernet/IP scanner (master) because that role is often designated to the device that LabVIEW is trying to communicate with, such as the sensor or Programmable Logic Controller (PLC).