Cannot Export Multisim PLD Design to LabVIEW FPGA

Updated Apr 4, 2023

Reported In


  • LabVIEW FPGA Module


  • Digital Systems Development Board Driver for LabVIEW

Issue Details

In Multisim, I navigate to Transfer >> Export to PLD, select the Program the connected PLD option, and press Next. In the Select a tool to use area, when I try to select the latest version of NI LabVIEW FPGA Xilinx Tools for Vivado that I have installed on my computer, it lists it as unsupported and shows the following text under the Device area after pressing Refresh button:

Not connected or drivers not installed - MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS


  1. Please refer to this document to confirm that your driver installation is correct. You will receive this message if you attempt to use a version of the Xilinx Compilation Tools for Vivado that is not compatible.  Since multiple versions of the Xilinx Compilation Tools can exist on one computer, simply install and select a compatible version to continue exporting the PLD design.
  2. Check the hardware connection of ELVIS and DSDB. 
  • Check if the ELVIS power cable is connected to the power supply interface and whether the USB data cable is properly connected to the PC.
  • Check if the UART interface on the DSDB board is connected to the PC USB interface.
  • Check if the power switches on the ELVIS and DSDB board are turned on separately.
The UART interface on DSDB and power switches of DSDB and ELVIS are all marked in the figure below.