Error -2147220735 When I Run VI On a Real-Time (RT) Target

Updated May 20, 2024

Reported In


  • LabVIEW Real-Time Module

Issue Details

I created a project in LabVIEW 8.0 or later that features shared variables on the RT target. When I deploy my VI to the RT target I get the following error:

Error:-2147220735, (Hex 0x80040301) Internal error: The specified class could not be found in the configuration
database. Your installation may need to be repaired.

or this error
Variables deployment failed (error: -2147220735, MAX: (Hex 0x80040301) Internal error: The specified class could not be found in the configuration database. Your installation may need to be repaired.)



Before you are able to deploy any shared variables on the real-time (RT) target, the Network Variable Engine needs to be installed on the RT target. For instructions on installing software to a RT target, see your devices user manual or our guide on How Do I Format My Real-Time Target and Reinstall the Software?

Additional Information

If you would rather host your shared variables on the host PC, but still access those variables from an RT target, you should install Variable Client Support onto the RT target.