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Microphones Compatibility with NI Sound and Vibration Input Modules

Updated Nov 22, 2023

Reported In


  • NI-9234
  • Sound and Vibration Device
  • PXI Sound and Vibration Module
  • Sound and Vibration Input Device for FieldDAQ
  • NI-9250
  • FD-11634
  • C Series Sound and Vibration Input Module
  • C Series Sound and Vibration Input Device

Issue Details

I am interested in taking sound pressure measurements from a microphone with an NI Sounds and Vibration Input Modules like the the NI 9234, NI 9250 or NI PXIe-4464, but I am unsure of which microphone to use. Which microphones will work?


NI does not have a comprehensive list of all microphones that are compatible with the NI Sound and Vibration Hardware.

In general, NI Sound and Vibration Hardware is designed to be compatible with IEPE sensors. Excitation & Compliance Voltage for IEPE Sensors in NI Cards provides a good guidance to verify compatibility between an NI Sound and Vibration device and an IEPE sensor, microphone or otherwise.

If a pre-amplifier is used, NI Sound and Vibration devices will still work, but the signal characteristics may change. Verify the output of the pre-amplifier is within the Sound and Vibration device's input range. Likewise, for non-IEPE sensors, ensure the sensor's output is compliant with the device's input capabilities.

Additional Information

NI has partnered with G.R.A.S. to provide an array of microphone and preamplifier options that have certified compatibility with the NI Sounds and Vibration Hardware like the NI 9234. The microphones integrate Transducer Electronic Data Sheet (TEDS) chips and use IEPE signal conditioning from the NI 9234. Visit the G.R.A.S. Selection Guide page for information on how to determine which microphone to select for your application.

The NI-9218 C Series Universal Analog Input module also supports measurements from G.R.A.S. microphones in IEPE mode. However it's important to mention that the 9218 has no BNC connector (only D-SUB or LEMO), you might need a terminal block to connect the signal. See the Getting Started guide for more information.