Error -17850 With TestStand Sequence Execution on Remote Computer

Updated Nov 1, 2024

Reported In


  • TestStand

Operating System

  • Windows

Issue Details

  • I developed a TestStand™ Sequence with a SequenceCall Step configured to execute the subsequence on a remote computer. However when I run the Main Sequence, I get the following error:
  • When I try to run a remote TestStand sequence from a custom user/operator interface on Windows 10, I get this error: 

Error code -17850, Access denied. 

Run time error.png

  • When I try to configure Remote Execution in my TestStand Station Options settings, I see the warning below. Clicking on the "Fix Registry Settings" button doesn't work. How can I resolve this?

WARNING: The following registry settings are incompatible with remote execution:
->REngine launch permissions incorrect. If you select 'Allow All Users Access from Remote Machines' option, then the REngine must grant launch permission to 'Everyone' or to 'ANONYMOUS LOGON' depending on the operating system. For more information, refer to the online help.

Station Options remote Execution registry.png


Follow the steps below to resolve this error:

  1. Configure TestStand as a Server for Remote Executions by enabling the Allow Sequence Calls from Remote Computers to Run on this Computer option on the Remote Execution tab of the Station Options dialog box.
  2. Configure DCOM settings for the Remote Server  
  3. Configure Windows firewall for the Remote Server  
  4. If the Subsequence being called is in the same sequence file as the MainSequence, execute one of the following modifications:
    • Configure a Sequence Call Step or Sequence File Load option to Load dynamically. Refer to the Additional Information section for instructions.
    • Move the Subsequence to a different Sequence file and modify the module pathname in SequenceCall Step Configuration.

For errors relating to access rights and incompatible registries, complete these additional steps:

  1. If using a custom user/operator interface built using LabVIEW™, follow the steps in Custom TestStand UI Cannot Run Remote TestStand Sequence.
  2. Verify that the remote PC is logged in as a user.
    • Logging in via a Remote Desktop Connection is not sufficient. A user must be physically logged in to the PC.
  3. Confirm that the remote PC's user account has administrator privileges and an account password.

Additional Information

To change load option:

  • For the Sequence file, navigate to Edit » Sequence File Properties and set Load Option to Load Dynamically
  • For a single Step, in the Step Settings window open the Properties tab. Under Run Options, you set Load Option to Load Dynamically.