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Receiving Error BFF63101 When Deploying XNET Database

Updated Sep 20, 2023

Reported In



Operating System

  • LabVIEW Real-Time (NI Linux Real-Time)

Issue Details

When I try to deploy an XNET Database to my real-time target using the XNET Database Utility, I get error NI-XNET: (0xBFF63101) File transfer communication with the LabVIEW Real-Time (RT) target failed

How can I fix this error?


This error may occur when there is a password set on a Linux RT target. This is a known issue and documented in corrective action request (CAR) 576222. 

If having a password on your RT target is required, you can deploy the XNET database programmatically to the RT target instead of using the XNET Database Utility. 

For more information on how to do deploy databases programmatically, please reference Managing RT in NI Example Finder. To find it, navigate to the Help tab in LabVIEW and select Find Examples >> Hardware Input and Output >> CAN >> NI-XNET >> Databases (Editing and Managing) >> Managing RT