Interfacing LabVIEW Applications With Cloud Services

Updated Jul 20, 2023

Reported In


  • LabVIEW

Issue Details

  • How can I use cloud services such as AWS and Azure for communicating data to/from my LabVIEW VIs?
  • Can I Interface my LabVIEW VI running on a Real-Time Target with cloud services such as AWS or Azure?
  • What toolkits are available in LabVIEW to post to cloud services?


Common cloud services such as AWS and Azure have LabVIEW APIs which can be used for interfacing the LabVIEW VIs with them.
  • You can use the below NI LabVIEW add-ons provided by the NI Tools Network to use cloud services for managing data through LabVIEW VIs -
  • These add-ons provide you with Toolkits containing APIs for creating LabVIEW VIs which can interact with these cloud services.                                                                                                                                                                      
  • You can also use LabVIEW VI examples provided with these add-ons for performing basic operations using these APIs. For example creating a new Bucket, Queue etc in AWS.
  • These VIs can also be deployed on standalone Real-Time targets with network connectivity.

Additional Information

  • LabVIEW Cloud Toolkit for AWS provides support for AWS services such as S3, SNS, SQS & IoT.
  • LabVIEW Cloud Toolkit for Azure provides support for Azure services such as BLOB & queue.
  • For questions and support, these Open Source toolkits have a Discussion Group.