Generating a Digital Trigger in LabVIEW with My USB DAQ Device

Updated Apr 14, 2023

Reported In


  • USB-6001


  • LabVIEW


  • NI-DAQmx

Issue Details

I have a third party instrument that I want to trigger with my USB DAQ device. This third party instrument triggers when receiving a digital rising edge. How can I do this with LabVIEW?


To generate a trigger with a digital rising edge you can just generate a digital output. When the digital output changes from a low to a high, this should trigger the instrument. 

In order to generate a digital output, you can look in the NI Example Finder for the Digital - SW Timed You can do this by going to Help>>Find Examples... >> Hardware Input and Output >> Digital Output >> Digital - SW Timed

To run this example you should select the line from the device in which you want to generate the trigger, you should also adapt the Data to Write array of switches to match  the amount of lines selected.