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Do I Need Vision Acquisition License for Every Single Deployment?

Updated Dec 20, 2023

Reported In


  • Vision Acquisition Software
  • NI-IMAQdx

Issue Details

I want to know if I need a Vision Acquisition license in every target I want to deploy an application where IMAQdx driver is used.


If NI Vision Hardware is used, the Vision Acquisition Software license is included with the hardware, so no Run Time License is needed in this case.
If no NI Vision Hardware is used, then Vision Acquisition Software license is needed to purchase.

Additional Information

The NI-IMAQdx driver software is needed to use third-party image acquisition devices and is included in the Vision Acquisition Software. 
Also, with NI Vision Hardware it means the purchase of frame grabbers and ICs or smart cameras. The cameras itself doesn't include the Vision Acquisition Software license.