XNET Modules Say Unsupported in NI MAX

Updated Dec 22, 2023

Reported In


  • NI-9862
  • NI-9861
  • NI-9866


  • NI-XNET 1.8

Issue Details

I have a cDAQ chassis with an NI-XNET module in one of the slots. After installing NI-XNET 1.8, my modules appear in Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX) as unsupported modules. NI-XNET modules include the NI 9861, NI 9862, and the NI 9866.


This behavior occurs when you open MAX after installing NI-DAQmx without installing the NI-XNET driver. When DAQmx reads the modules in the cDAQ chassis without the XNET driver, it lists them as unsupported modules. That listing persists in MAX until the chassis configuration is refreshed even after NI-XNET is installed. To remove the unsupported message go through the following steps:
  1. Check to see if you have the correct NI-XNET driver installed
  2. Remove the erroneous unsupported modules by right-clicking the module and selecting Delete from the menu. 
  1. Restart the computer. On restart, the modules should appear correctly in MAX.

Additional Information

You can also reset your MAX configuration to make the unsupported modules appear correctly. To do this, select Tools»Reset Configuration Data.

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