Error -1074102163/-1074102162 or -1074102157 When Using NI-DMM

Updated Apr 5, 2024

Reported In


  • PXI Digital Multimeter
  • PXI Chassis
  • PXIe-4080
  • PXIe-4081

Issue Details

My DMM PXIe-4080 throws error -1074102163, -1074102162 or -1074102157 every time I access it, either by LabVIEW code or its soft front panel. 

My DMM PXIe-4080 throws error -1074102163 or -1074102157 whenever I try deploying NI-Measurement & Automation Explorer (NI-MAX) for software recognition.


This error can occur due to corrupted NI-DMM Driver or an MXI/PXI compatibility issue. Please refer to the steps below to fix the issue.

1. Try replacing the NI-DMM PXI-4080 module to another slot, preferably starting from the slot closer to the controller and attempting the rest of the available slots next.

2. Perform a repair on the NI-DMM driver to fix any corruption and ensure there are no missing files preventing it from functioning as expected.

3. Please check if MXI-Express BIOS Compatibility software is installed and make sure that the hardware/software switch is set correctly for your hardware. Refer to the readme file of the MXI-Express BIOS Compatibility software for correct installation.

Hardware switch

If the MXI-BIOS compatibility software is running on your computer, DIP switch 1 should be in the ON position.
If your computer is not running MXI-BIOS compatibility software, DIP switch 1 should be in the OFF position.

Software switch

If your computer is running the MXI-BIOS compatibility software, mode 1 should be activated.
If your computer is not running MXI-BIOS compatibility software, mode 1 should be deactivated.

Additional Information

In case you observe this error in connection with a PXI chassis that is connected to a PC via MXI, please refer to the MXI-Compatibility and Connectivity Troubleshooting Guide for further troubleshooting steps.

If the system is powered by a UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply), you can try to a add a delay to turn on the PC a few seconds later.