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Windows Clock on PXI Controller Repeatedly Loses Time

Updated Apr 4, 2023

Reported In


  • PXI Controller

Operating System

  • Windows

Issue Details

  • My PXI or PXIe controller's clock repeatedly loses its time. Why is this happening?
  • When I set the hour for my controller it goes back to an incorrect date/time after a couple minutes.
  • Why does my Windows time reset to 12:00 AM every time I boot my PXI controller?
  • My PXI computer doesn't retain the operating system time between boots.


Some common causes for this issue are the Windows Time Service not being enabled, outdated or malfunctioning BIOS version or a faulty CMOS battery. Follow these steps to troubleshoot this issue.
  1. Verify the Windows Time Service

    • Press Windows Key + R

    • Type services.msc and hit enter

    • Look for the “Windows Time” service and double click it

    • Set the Startup Type to Automatic and click the Start button. Verify the status is set to Running.

    • Try to change the time settings and check if the issue is resolved

  1. Ensure that the current version of the BIOS is up to date. Please see Determining and Upgrading PXI and VXI Embedded Controller BIOS Versions  for more information.
  2. Replace the CMOS battery in the controller. Please see PXI and PXIe Controllers Replace Battery for more information.

Additional Information

For a Windows XP controller, this issue may be due to the Internet Time Server or Time service in the local system. Please see Windows XP losing time for more advice on how to resolve this issue.