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Using DSC Module for Interfacing a PLC with LabWindows™/CVI

Updated Dec 20, 2023

Reported In


  • LabWindows/CVI
  • OPC Servers
  • LabVIEW OPC UA Toolkit
  • LabVIEW Datalogging and Supervisory Control Module

Issue Details

I have an application developed in LabWindows™/CVI and I would like to interface with a PLC.

What are my options?


  1. On the client side, DataSockets are an easy way to transfer data and it's natively supported by LabWindows/CVI. On the server side you can use the NI OPC Servers or a third party server. Make sure it can be a DataSocket Transfer Protocol server (publisher)
  2. On client side, you can use the LabVIEW Datalogging and Supervisory Control (DSC) Modulethat will allow you to configure OPC Client I/O Server and read it in LabWindows/CVI using Network Variables. On the server side you can use NI OPC Servers or a third party server that publishes OPC Classic (DA) or OPC UA.
  3. PLCs can usually communicate using TCP/IP or Serial interface. Check the Related Links section

Additional Information

If you are going to use the NI OPC Servers, make sure to check the Supported Device & Driver Plug-in List for NI OPC Servers that contains a list of PLCs' drivers supported.

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