Error -201444 From DAQmx Perform Bridge Offset Nulling Calibration VI in Multidevice Task

Updated May 8, 2023

Reported In


  • PXIe-4339


  • LabVIEW
  • LabWindows/CVI


  • NI-DAQmx

Issue Details

I configured a Analog Input multidevice task in order to take advantage of channel expansion, by adding channels from different PXI devices. Since one of the device (PXIe-4339) is used for bridge input, I added DAQmx Perform Bridge Offset Nulling Calibration (VI) in my LabVIEW code (or DAQmxPerformBridgeOffsetNullingCalEx in my C or LabWindows/CVI code).

However, when running my program, I get the following error:

Error -201444 occurred at DAQmx Perform Bridge Offset Nulling

Possible reason(s):

Multidevice tasks cannot use the on-demand sample timing type. Configure timing to synchronize and acquire samples from multiple devices.


The error is unexpected since I correctly configured the sample clock to obtain a hardware-timed task (continuous sampling).
How can I fix the error?


You need to ensure to call DAQmx Timing in your LabVIEW code (or DAQmxCfgSampClkTiming in your C or LabWindows/CVI code) before calling the Bridge Offset Nulling Calibration function by properly sequencing your code, otherwise the sample clock you set will not be taken into account (and on-demand timing will be set) when executing calibration.
An example is displayed in the following image: