Can I Generate PWM and Read Digital Pulses in a CompactDAQ Simultaneously?

Updated Apr 14, 2023

Reported In


  • CompactDAQ Chassis
  • C Series Digital Module


  • NI-DAQmx

Issue Details

I have a cDAQ chassis with digital modules connected and I need to generate PWM signals and read digital pulses at the same time. How many of PWM signals could I generate and how many digital pulses could I read?


Every PWM task requires 1 counter to be generated and every digital pulse reading task requires one (or two) counters. As the CompactDAQ chassis has 4 counters, the number of tasks that could be implemented depends on how many counters are used by each task selected with a maximum limit of four.
Example:  if 2 PWM tasks are created, as each task requires one counter, 2 counters will be available for pulse reading. If the task performed is an edge counting, as it uses 1 counter, 2 edge counting tasks could be implemented. 


Additional Information

The implementation of the PWM generation and the pulse counting depends on the Digital Modules that you are using. This features are only available in the digital modules that provide access to the chassis onboard counters.