NI-XNET Error -1074384887 Synchronizing DAQ and XNET Tasks

Updated Sep 9, 2022

Reported In


  • cDAQ-9189
  • NI-9860
  • IC-3172
  • NI-9205


  • LabVIEW


  • NI-DAQmx
  • NI-DAQmx 17.0
  • NI-XNET 17.5

Operating System

  • Windows

Issue Details

I'm currently trying to synchronize analog input data and XNET data in LabVIEW. On the first run, the tasks acquire data as expected, however when stopping the program, I receive: Error -1074384887 occurred at XNET
NI-XNET: (Hex 0xBFF63009) The board's firmware did not answer a command. Solution: Stop your application and execute a self test. Try deactivating/reactivating the driver in the Device Manager. If this problem persists, contact National Instruments.

I then am sometimes unable to communicate with the devices unless I power cycle them. Is there anything I can do to prevent this error?


When synchronizing a XNET and DAQ task, ensure that the XNET task is stopped before stopping the DAQmx task. This can be enforced through dataflow techniques in LabVIEW.