Unable to Read Tag Data from Zebra RFID Reader into LabVIEW

Updated May 22, 2018

Reported In


  • LabVIEW

Programming Language

  • C# .NET


  • Zebra FX7500 RFID reader
  • Zebra SDK API

Issue Details

I am trying to read tag data into LabVIEW from my Zebra FX7500 RFID reader. Currently I'm able to communicate with the device and it triggers an event in my program when I scan a tag, but the MemoryBankData and TagID fields are blank. It seems like it registers that something was read, but the indicator on the property node is blank the after the event registers.


In order to register event data correctly for this device you'll need to modify the "e" parameter in the callback VI to point to "ReadEventArgs". Once it's pointed there you should be able to create the following property nodes: ReadEventData >> TagData >> TagID. Then pass this data into the main VI to properly read the tag data.